Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Gold Prospecting Adventure

I played hooky today from the Antique Business to join my buddies in a Gold Prospecting Adventure. Here we are on Clear Creek near French Gulch. My gold prospecting buddies are Bob Carpenter, Bob Burdett, and yours truly. It was a beautiful day, the water was cold, we found some gold, and that's what it's all about. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).

Friday, October 8, 2010

My First Purchase

The First Baptist Church of Cottonwood (the church we go to) got rid of all their oak pews. But members could get one cut to size if they wanted one. My good friend and fellow church member Bill Price and I cut down a long pew to this four foot size which I use on my front porch. These oak pews were at least 60 years old or older and simply beautiful. There was no cost but a donation to the church was certainly in order. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).

On The Antique Road Again..Day One

Actually it feels good to get back on the antique and collectible circuit again and off the highways and byways (see my other blog that was created while working for Golden State Overnight). So here we are four years later at the annual Red Bluff Street Fair. The morning started with dark clouds and a few sprinkles but as you can see it didn't stop the people from coming. It was a great day and the crowd was steady. And, I might add, we had a very good $ day. That's my little Honey standing behind that card table with the jewelry case on top. What a saleswoman! (Just clink on the pictures for a larger view).