Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Playing Hooky Again From The Antique Business

It was too cold today to work with Antiques and Collectibles so I took the day off and went fishing. Turned out to be a great day as you can see; caught my limit of trout on Whiskeytown Lake. My little honey took the picture and had a great meal prepared for me after I cleaned the fish of course. Just click on the picture for a larger view.

Western Days at The Cottonwood Antique Fair

Here we are at the Cottonwood Antique Street Fair which was held first part of December. The theme was Western Days so I came dressed in my western outfit. Kathy wore her usual "good luck" wear. It was a good day and we would probably try it again next year. Just click on the pictures for a larger view.

The Red Bluff Street Fair

Here we are at the Red Bluff Antique Street Fair selling our wares. It was a beautiful day and a lot of people came to buy. That's my little honey behind the table. Just click on the pictures for a larger view.